Leaf Blower Cordless with 2 Battery and Charger 130MPH 180CFM High Speed Leaf Blower with 2 Tubes 20V Electric Leaf Cleaner

$199.99$249.9920% off

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About this item

  • [Extensive and Effective Work] JAGROM electric leaf blower equips with powerful motor, 130MPH and 180CFM will provide you with easy and efficient work. With the cordless design, it is easy to cross the courtyard, living room and various crevices. It is suitable for lawn care, garden, yard, depot, car and house cleaning.

  • [2 Batteries for Long Working Time] JAGROM cordless leaf blower packs with two 2.0Ah batteries and fast charger. You can totally get more than 30 minutes operating time with them. When one battery is charging, another one can be charged, you will not need to worry about running out of the power. Meet different kinds of the cleaning job needs.

  • [2 Tubes for Different High of Use] There are two tubes in the package, they can easily install or disassemble. With 2 tubes set up, you can clean the floor without bending over. When using one tube, you can also easily complete the table top, railing cleaning. More ergonomic design can help clean more efficiently.

  • [Lightweight and Quick Assembly] JAGROM cordless leaf blower with battery are only 2.6 pounds, reduce your cleaning burden and improve cleaning efficiency. Once you get the package, you just need to plug the tube in and then the blower can work.

  • [Always Stand Behind the Products] There are one machine, two batteries, one charger and user manual in the package. We provide you with a 7x24 hours after-sale service and will work hard to get any product issue solved.

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